Thursday, April 26, 2007

damnation, damnation, damnation...

Hey folks,

Unfortunately auditions were cancelled this week so location scouting continued yesterday as Cassie, Dan, Dave and myself visited the Glenside Campus to have a look at the dungeon cells. The dungeon, with its white brick walls and lonely corridors are the perfect look for the film. There are adequate electricity outlets and the cells are underground, closed off to the rest of the hospital, so no interruptions. Hopefully everything goes to plan and we can shoot there.

Great news, recently I discovered that Evil Dead: The Musical opened in the US last year! Hopefully it will come to Australia...hell, I'd go see it.

Until next time,

Danny Steel


Light Globe Boy said...

There...Is..An...Evil Dead: Musical!? Groovy.

Rowan said...

Wow! Evil Dead: The Musical. I'll add it to my list of favorite musicals. Which are: Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cannibals: The Musical.

Another wow! That location looks amazing! I can't to record sound there. It's going to be full of bad craziness :) :) :) aha....

Nicholas Cleary said...

noice location steel.
well done sir