Tuesday, July 17, 2007

friday the 13th...

Hey people,
Last Friday I held a Friday The 13th get together at my house. We watched Friday The 13th: Part 3 and got pretty drunk while horror music and various horror theme songs were blaring in the background. Quite a few familiar faces showed, including a couple of cats we thought we knew but weren't sure of, take a look...

Also, Rowan has written a 'Just Killing Time' poem, that may or may not be turned into a song...

I sit inside my chambers
I stare at all the strangers
I want to kill them all
They'll all end up on my wall

The killers that I love
I feel that I'm above
For I kill for more
Than merely love of gore

The screams, the deaths, the whores
It's my job, my hobby and more
All of them deserved to die
Would I ever tell a lie?

Art and murder are the same
Within this crazy mind game
Their deaths are so beautiful
Oh...it almost makes me drool.

Danny Steel.

Monday, July 2, 2007

post-production begins...

Hello friends,

This post marks the end of the shooting of the Advanced MAPS 07 productions and the beginning of post-production for all projects. Last week was the last production week as I was on the set of Dave's horror film, 90 Mile Desert. It was a tough week up at Callington, but it got done and I'm sure it will turn out great. Here are some pics...


Danny Steel